Dark Heresy RPG - Adeptus Arbites conversion
In this post I am showcasing the miniature i converted and painted to represent my character in the Dark Heresy campaign I am playing in.
(And using my light box to take pictures for the first time.)
We rolled up all the details (home planet, career, appearance etc.) about our characters randomly. Once I had my stats I came up with his background.
He spent his youth running with an underhive gang, was drafted into the Arbites after proving himself a capable individual whilst working as a watchman (a deputised ganger) and although still a rookie was taken on as an Inquisitorial henchman.
(Here is my character's full bio on my friends Dark Heresy Campaign called Missing!!! on Obsidian Portal : Pontius Krak)
And this is what I came up with:
The main parts I used for the figure were:
- Space Marine scout legs (from the standard scout sprue).
- Right aiming arm (from the standard scout sprue)
- Left arm holding shotgun at ease (from the space marine scout biker sprue)
- Torso with Aquila (from the Cadian Imperial officer sprue)
- Head (from the Cadian Imperial officer sprue)
- Las-pistol(from a Cadian Imperial guardsman arm)
- And finally various bags/holsters (from various sprues)
The Miniature didn't take an awful lot of conversion to get the image I had in mind.
First I used a scalpel to carefully cut away the Bolt-pistol that the right hand originally held. And replaced it with the Las-pistol that i had also carefully cut away from its original arm.
The shoulder pads from the space marine scout arms were carved away and made to look like normal material sleeves.
And then it was just a case of gluing the the parts together.

I decided to keep the paint scheme simple:
- Black for the armour plates with a touch of blue added for highlighting.
- Black for the material sections with a touch of brown added for highlighting.
- Yellow detailing in places to complement the rest of the scheme.
- And I painted the weapons with hazard striping (in the 41st millenium, they go with every ensemble.)
- I finished the paint job with a touch of gloss varnish on the armour plates
- Painted weathering on his equipment (and used a pencil for the metal showing through the chipped areas)
- And finally applied some powdered pastel to the miniature to simulate dust, grime and rust.
Even though my character is quite young, he has naturally grey hair. And taking into account that he spent his life in an underhive environment, I decided to paint his skin quite pale and pallid.
This is also the first time I've experimented with painting stubble on a miniature.
All in all I'm quite happy with how the paint scheme turned out.
I have grown fond of round lipped gaming bases, I think I'll use them from now on whenever possible.
The detail on the base was created by cutting a section out of the top area. I put a bottom on the base using plasticard and made the small details like the cables and burst pipe using pieces of styrene rod and tube. The surface area was also created using plasticard for the plating, styrene strip and small rounds of rod for riveted pieces and a small piece of car body mesh for the section of broken grating.
The base was painted in metal, washed with various rusty shades And finally given a little brush with pastel powder to simulate dry rust.
Hope you like it, take care now.
(And using my light box to take pictures for the first time.)
We rolled up all the details (home planet, career, appearance etc.) about our characters randomly. Once I had my stats I came up with his background.
Character mini bio:
My character is named Pontius krak, he is an Arbitrator, a member of the Adeptus Arbites. The well armed, well trained and uncompromising police force of the 41st millenium.He spent his youth running with an underhive gang, was drafted into the Arbites after proving himself a capable individual whilst working as a watchman (a deputised ganger) and although still a rookie was taken on as an Inquisitorial henchman.
(Here is my character's full bio on my friends Dark Heresy Campaign called Missing!!! on Obsidian Portal : Pontius Krak)
The Miniature:
With that information in mind I sketched down a few ideas and looked at miniature parts in my bits-box and online to feel out what i wanted him to look like.And this is what I came up with:
The main parts I used for the figure were:
- Space Marine scout legs (from the standard scout sprue).
- Right aiming arm (from the standard scout sprue)
- Left arm holding shotgun at ease (from the space marine scout biker sprue)
- Torso with Aquila (from the Cadian Imperial officer sprue)
- Head (from the Cadian Imperial officer sprue)
- Las-pistol(from a Cadian Imperial guardsman arm)
- And finally various bags/holsters (from various sprues)
The Miniature didn't take an awful lot of conversion to get the image I had in mind.
First I used a scalpel to carefully cut away the Bolt-pistol that the right hand originally held. And replaced it with the Las-pistol that i had also carefully cut away from its original arm.
And then it was just a case of gluing the the parts together.

I decided to keep the paint scheme simple:
- Black for the armour plates with a touch of blue added for highlighting.
- Black for the material sections with a touch of brown added for highlighting.
- Yellow detailing in places to complement the rest of the scheme.
- And I painted the weapons with hazard striping (in the 41st millenium, they go with every ensemble.)
- I finished the paint job with a touch of gloss varnish on the armour plates
- Painted weathering on his equipment (and used a pencil for the metal showing through the chipped areas)
- And finally applied some powdered pastel to the miniature to simulate dust, grime and rust.
Even though my character is quite young, he has naturally grey hair. And taking into account that he spent his life in an underhive environment, I decided to paint his skin quite pale and pallid.
This is also the first time I've experimented with painting stubble on a miniature.
All in all I'm quite happy with how the paint scheme turned out.
I have grown fond of round lipped gaming bases, I think I'll use them from now on whenever possible.
The detail on the base was created by cutting a section out of the top area. I put a bottom on the base using plasticard and made the small details like the cables and burst pipe using pieces of styrene rod and tube. The surface area was also created using plasticard for the plating, styrene strip and small rounds of rod for riveted pieces and a small piece of car body mesh for the section of broken grating.
The base was painted in metal, washed with various rusty shades And finally given a little brush with pastel powder to simulate dry rust.
Hope you like it, take care now.
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